A - Z Deutsch Sprachkurse


Experiences and Reviews

"I am having a great learning experience here! Small class sizes make it easy to ask questions and learn quickly. It also feels like a little family & we have gone on hikes, out to lunch, and even to the theater as a class."

"Ich habe hier eine großartige Lernerfahrung gemacht! Die kleinen Klassen machen es einfach, Fragen zu stellen und schnell zu lernen. Außerdem fühlt man sich wie in einer kleinen Familie. Wir haben Wanderungen unternommen, sind zum Mittagessen gegangen und haben sogar gemeinsam das Theater besucht."

Katie from USA

"Kişi sayısının az olduğu sınıflarda emin adımlarla Almanca'nızı ilerletebiliyorsunuz. Gayet samimi ve ders açısından verimli bir ortam. Dersler hem yüz yüze hem de online olarak yapılıyor. Bu da dersin verimini, özellikle salgın döneminde, önemli ölçüde arttırıyor."

"You can improve your German with confident steps in classes where the number of participants is small. It is a very friendly and efficient environment as far as classes are concerned. Classes are held both in person and online. This greatly increases the efficiency of the course, especially during the pandemic period."

Suad from Türkiye


"This Freiburg language school is an excellent school where the teachers focus on the different knowledge, goals, interests and cultures of the students to improve the quality of the teaching. The teachers also have a great sense of humor and a very creative mind, which ultimately leads to a dynamic, efficient and interesting curriculum. Students can use the kitchen to prepare coffee, tea, or anything else they need. Students feel comfortable there and can make new friends."

Linquing from China

"Una de las mejores cualidades de la escuela es su flexibilidad, ya que dependiendo de los conocimientos previos del alumno, te permiten unirte a cursos que ya estén en marcha. A su vez, entre las lecciones siempre hay espacio para desviarse del tema principal, y aclarar o estudiar temas de interés personal. De igual forma, los grupos pequeños permiten una atención muy personalizada sobre cada alumno, e incentivan la participación constante de los mismos."

"One of the best features of the school is its flexibility, because depending on the student's previous knowledge, it is possible to join courses already in progress. At the same time, there is always room between classes to deviate from the main topic and clarify or deepen topics of personal interest. In addition, the small groups allow for very personal attention to each student and encourage constant participation."

Luis from Mexiko

  • Activity in the Garden
  • Zeit für eine Erfrischung
  • im Unterricht
  • im Unterricht
  • Paarunterricht
  • Zoom Lesson
  • Tierquiz
  • Ausflug-Schlossberg
  • auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt
  • Stolpersteine
  • Länderpräsentationen
  • Short Trip to Schlossberg
  • Intensive Course
  • Intensive Course
  • Partner Activity
